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Letter of Recommendation to Volmar Jonas, by Ben-Yam Barshi


    I first met Volmar Jonas at a reforestation initiative in the town of Ans-A-Pitre called Sadhana Forest during late August 2012. This project was focused on permaculture-based ecological restoration and landscape regeneration.

   He was our ambassador to this rural Haitian village letting us feel safe and at home wherever we ventured. Volmar is a brilliant young man with a lot of potential. He is fluent in English, French and Creole making him a great asset in his community due to his ability to communicate efficiently with international aid efforts and people in general. He has been an instrumental part in providing an economic incentive for the plantation and cultivation of the Tree Moringa Oleifera in Ans-A-Pitre. This alone has helped his community both economically and ecologically. There are thousands of trees planted in his town thanks to his efforts alone.

    He has proved himself to be both a reliable partner, smoothly handling monetary transactions and a conscientious leader for his town presenting viable model for sustainable development. For all the help he provided the only thing he wished for in return was to gain access to a computer so he can connect to the world at large. This to us was a mark of his diligent character and it makes us proud to announce that we honoured his wishes providing him a powerful laptop and an internet connection.

    Almost a year later and his computer still looks new despite being being in a sandy and deserted rural community in South-Eastern Haiti with minimal infrastructure. It is this trust that encouraged us to support his Fruit Tree Nursury initiaive and a plantation project where 1,000 fruit trees were planted in both Ans-APitre and the neighbouring town of Recife.

We look forward to keep working with Volmar Jonas in our future endeavors in Ans-A-Pitre and would recommend his participation to all those > considering to operate in the area.


Wishing outmost fulfilment and accomplishment with your projects


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