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Wish List


  • Tools - With tools we can do a lot. We can train people to build greenhouses, off-grid electrical systems, and process goods.

  • Building Materials - We have a number of properties to develop sustainable villages and co-ops but we need to develop structures.

  • Raw Materials - Our artesenal projects utilize natural and organic materials to craft products. We also build appliances from scrap parts.

  • Transportation - Aside from needing a vehicle, we also appreciate any loaned vehicles, transportation, and cargo containers.

Our current economic system does not offer everyone a means to be self-sufficient. Our goal is to offer education on sustainable practices and train people in need to provide for themselves.


At InfÃœnity we believe that everybody has something they can afford to contribute! Aside from money, we accept resources from our volunteers in the form of services, materials, transportation, and equipment. 

Our philosophy is one of mutual benefit or synergy meaning we also give back to our volunteers. By implementing systems that offer benefits to everyone involved, we can reward those who share.

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